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Prograf 0.5 Mg


Generic:              Tacrolimus
Manufacturer:   Astellas Pharma India
Pack size:          30 Capsules, 60 Capsules, 90 Capsules    
Pharma Form:   Capsule
Strength:            0.5 mg
Uses:                  Anti Rejection Drugs

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What Is Prograf 0.5 mg

Prograf 0.5 mg contains tacrolimus as its active ingredient and serves an essential role in immunosuppression therapy for post-transplant patients to avoid organ rejection and ensure their long-term survival. By modulating immune responses, Prograf helps ensure organ acceptance and survival over time.

Active Ingredient – Tacrolimus

Tacrolimus is the cornerstone of Prograf 0.5 mg and exerts its immunosuppressive properties by suppressing T cell activation through inhibiting calcineurin activity, an essential enzyme involved in T lymphocyte activation. By restricting activation, tacrolimus prevents an aggressive immune response against transplanted organs from the immune system.


Prograf 0.5 mg is indicated for the prophylactic prevention of organ rejection after liver, kidney or heart transplantation procedures. While organ transplantation can save lives, its success often hinges upon whether the immune system responds with rejection of transplanted organs as foreign entities. Tacrolimus in Prograf helps ensure success for transplantation procedures by helping reduce this natural tendency toward attack against them by the immune system.

Immunosuppressive Mechanism 

Prograf's primary immunosuppressive mechanism involves inhibiting T lymphocytes, which play an essential role in immune reactions. Tacrolimus binds to FKBP-12 intracellular protein complex and interferes with calcineurin binding sites, thus blocking activation of transcription factor NFAT, thus decreasing production of cytokines and activating molecules involved with T cell activation resulting in reduced immune response against transplanted organ. This results in lessened immune reactivity against it.

Individualized Dosage and Monitoring 

Individualized Dosage and Monitoring: Healthcare providers determine Prograf 0.5 mg dosage according to various factors, such as organ transplant type, patient weight and other medical considerations. Maintaining within a specific therapeutic range is key for minimizing rejection while simultaneously reducing risks of toxicity; regular monitoring of tacrolimus levels allows adjustments in dosage in order to achieve maximum immunosuppression.

Interactions and Caution with Tacrolimus

Tacrolimus metabolism may be affected by various medications; patients taking Prograf should inform healthcare providers about all drugs (including OTC medications and supplements ) taken, such as over-the-counter products and supplements. Certain drugs could alter tacrolimus levels leading to suboptimal immunosuppression or even toxicity. Close monitoring and adjustments in dosage may be required.

Adverse Effects and Long-Term Considerations

While Prograf can help to protect organ transplant recipients from rejection, its long-term use may still present potential side effects such as hypertension, nephrotoxicity, and metabolic disturbances. Long-term immunosuppressant medications like Prograf should be carefully balanced between their ability to prevent rejection while managing any side effects; regular follow up appointments with healthcare providers are necessary in monitoring kidney function and overall health.

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